Como inicio de esta, mi primera aportación, hago referencia al mundo de todos aquellos aparatos que nos hacen la vida "Más fácil".
Deseando que os sea de utilidad, no ponemos en marcha desde hoy mismo.
Nowadays in most of the houses many gadgets are supposed to make famly´s life better or easier.
It would be very interesting to know if it is true or if on the contrary there are some gadgets which make life more difficult . I think there are some factors that can influence these aspects.
1.- People sometimes don´t know How to use them.
2.- People can use them for a long time.
3.- Some gadget can cause addiction.
4.- They can provoke loneliness and incommunication.
You can find a lot of machines at home today, ceramic hobs, computers, televisions,dishwashers, radiocasettes, mobile phones, camrecorder, videorecorders………………….etc.
You can usually hear someone saying: ”What does MP3, CDROM, TDT, mean?”
“ How can I use them? “ , “ I´ve got a PDA” , “Dad I´m going to Sonia´s house to play with the Wii”
“ This DVD is recorded in DIVX format” or “I´m surfing on the internet”” I need to chat with my girlfriend”
That seems crazy thing.
Besides if you go in the street and meet with your friend , she may suggests you: “ Come on to the Trade Fair in Madrid . It is showing the most recent technologies, we can buy a PSP, a TDT, a MP4, a IPOD and of course there are already robots which can help with the housework and they can do nearly all the things, we can find new generations of movile phones or enormous televisions.
Altough the best thing you can do is you can domotic your house If you want. So you can switch your washing machine off, turn your dishwasher on or to watch over to your husband while you are working.
This seems fantastic and wonderful, but in my opinion these gadgets have advantages and disadvantages.
Firstly they make communication with the rest of the foreign world easier, if we refer to mobile phones or internet.
Second they make cooking easier too in case of the ceramic hob, microwave or the thermomix.
Third they allow us to have more information about millions of things or themes and we
can play if we use computers games.
Finally we can enjoy ourselves and spend the time or get some information from television.
Gadgets has got Disadvantages of course some of them ar first they favour loneliness and
” Puzzle thought” People are addicted to zapping, they don´t know to connect one thing to the other because they´ve lost their coherence, the capacity or ability to unit things.
Besides the electricity bill or the telephone bill are increased and many families can´t afford it.
For another hand a lot of teenagers ask for new gadgets, although their parents can´t buy them. It´s makes that parents are always angry and their behavior is worse.
Gadgets are not economical and they are very difficult or imposible to ricycle them and
They encourage neurologic problems/illines because, they emit striking and fastter images.
In conclusion gadgets are useful when people make good use of them and when they ease our life better.
Tomorrow it isn´t the future,today is the future.
Eva Mª Villén Molina
2 comentarios:
ha, ha...
You've just made me scared of switching of any tool or even to press the button of a ring bell...
no more phoning by mobile...
I'll start sending smoke signal again.
...what a great work, honey...
ha, ha...
It sounds amazing! I'm already scared to use a mobile or sending this e-mail...
What a great work, honey!
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